Besnik (Ali) Krasniqi u lind më 1978 në Prishtinë. Studimet universitare për ekonomi i ka kryer me sukses të shkëlqyeshëm në Fakultetin Ekonomik në Prishtinë (2001). Studimet e magjistraturës (2003) dhe ato të doktoratës (2010) i kreu në Fakultetin e Shkencave të Ekonomisë dhe Biznesit të Universitetit të Staffordshire-it në Angli. Studimet e thelluara postdoktorale i kreu në Indiana University në SHBA (2014), si bursist i njërës nga bursat më prestigjioze në botë – Fulbright.
Pas diplomimit punësohet për një kohë të shkurtër në Departamentin për Tregti dhe Investime, në pozitën e zyrtarit për promovim të investimeve (2001). Më vonë, punësohet në Institutin për Hulumtime Zhvillimore Riinvest (2001-2006), në pozitën e hulumtuesit të ri, hulumtuesit, hulumtuesit të lartë dhe menaxherit të projekteve në fushën e ndërmarrësisë, zhvillimit të sektorit privat, tranzicionit dhe politikave publike.
Karrierën në Universitetin e Prishtinës e ka nisur si asistent (2002), ka vijuar si profesor asistent (2011) e pastaj si profesor i asocuar (2016) dhe profesor i rregullt (2021). Që nga viti 2016 mban pozitën e kryesuesit të departamentit të Menaxhmentit. Rregullisht ligjëron në studimet themelore në këtë fakultet në lëndët: Menaxhmenti i Biznesit të Vogël dhe të Mesëm dhe Ndërmarrësia, Menaxhimi i Inovacionit, ndërsa në studimet postdiplomike e doktorale mban lëndën Metodologjia e Kërkimit Shkencor. Në vitin 2020 zgjidhet anëtar korrespondent i Akademisë së Shkencave dhe të Arteve të Kosovës.
Në vitin 2011 është ftuar si profesor vizitor në Indiana University në SHBA. Në vitin 2015 ka qenë i ftuar si profesor vizitor në Universitetin e Michiganit në SHBA, në fushën e ndërmarrësisë pranë Ross School of Business. Në Michigen ka qëndruar si bursist i parë i bursës prestigjioze “Weiser Professional Development Program Fellows”. Gjatë periudhës 2016-2020 ka mbajtur pozitën e profesorit të jashtëm dhe ka ligjëruar në Shkollën e Maastricht-it për Menaxhment (Maastricht School of Management) në Holandë, në lëndën Ndërmarrësia në Ekonomitë Emergjente, në programin e rregullt Master në Administrim Biznesi. Në cilësinë e profesorit vizitor ka qëndruar edhe në Tuck Business School (SHBA) Université Côte d’Azur (Francë), Vytautas Magnus University (Lituani), në School of Technology and Management në Polytechnic of Porto (Portugali), Linnaeus University (Suedi), Universitetin e Tetovës e në Universitetin e Evropës Juglindore (Maqedoni Veriore).
Gjithashtu, ai ka krijuar relacione afatgjata të bashkëpunimit me Universitetin e Staffordshire-it dhe që nga viti 2010 shërben si bashkëmentor i studentëve të doktoratës që vinë nga vendet në tranzicion. Ka bashkëmentoruar me sukses 3 studentë të doktoratës në këtë universitet. Në Universitetin e Prishtinës, ka udhëhequr dhjetëra magjistrantë dhe doktorantë.
Ka vepruar dhe kontribuar në shumë organizata profesionale dhe shkencore ndërkombëtare me renome. Nga viti 2008, shërben si anëtar i Institutit për Ndërmarrësi dhe Biznes të Vogël në Angli. Ka mbajtur pozitën e Senior Editor në revistë International Journal of Emerging Economies, e indeksuar në Web of Science. Po ashtu, është anëtar i këshillit redaktues i disa revistave shkencore, ndër më të mirat në fushën e ndërmarrësisë si: Journal of Small Business Management, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Journal of East-West Business.
Njihet si njeri shumë aktiv në fushën e avokimit për mbështetje të bizneseve fillestare dhe ndërmarrësisë tek të rinjtë. Është themelues i organizatës Qendra për Mbështetje të Biznesit (Business Support Centre Kosovo) nëpërmjet të cilës ka dizajnuar programe mbështetëse për ndërmarrës, biznese të reja, gratë ndërmarrëse, minoritete dhe grupe të tjera të margjinalizuara të shoqërisë. Këto programe kanë qenë të financuara nga donatorët, si rezultat i shkrimit të projekt propozimeve dhe thithjes së këtyre fondeve për përkrahje të ndërmarrësisë nga UNDP, Ambasada Amerikane, Ambasada e Holandës, USAID, Komisioni Evropian, Banka Botërore, DANIDA, GIZ etj. Si rezultat i punës së tij, qendra BSCK ka ofruar trajnime falas për mbi 11 mijë persona, dhe ka arritur të mbështesë krijimin e më shumë se 500 firmave përmes grantave, mentorimit të biznesit, konsulencës dhe formave të tjera duke bërë një ndikim të madh në zhvillimin e ndërmarrësisë në Kosovë. Për të ndihmuar të rinjtë ndërmarrës ai aktivisht ofron orë konsulence dhe mentorim biznesi falas. Në vitin 2017, së bashku me disa profesorë të UP-së themelojnë inkubatorin e parë në Unviersitetin e Prishtinës “VentureUP”, i cili ka mision mbështetjen e krijimit të firmave nga studentët dhe përkrahjen e komercializimit të shkencës duke e ndërlidhur kërkimin shkencor me sektorin privat.
Krahas punës së tij në sektorin e shoqërisë civile ka kontribuar edhe në sektorin publik. Në periudhën 2008-2015 ka qenë anëtar i Bordit të Drejtorëve të Aeroportit Ndërkombëtar të Prishtinës, duke aplikuar njohuritë e tij menaxheriale në rritjen e performancës së sektorit publik.
Është bashkëautor i mbi 100 publikimeve e artikujve shkencorë të botuar në revista shkencore ndërkombëtare (kryesisht në SHBA, Angli, dhe Evropë). Ka publikuar 10 kapituj librash të botuesve të mirënjohur ndërkombëtar, si Springer, 5 libra universitarë (1 në gjuhën angleze të botuar në New York), mbi 50 punime në konferenca shkencore dhe mjaft raporte e publikime të tjera me karakter shkencor dhe aplikativ.
Punimi i tij është shpallur punimi më i mirë në konferencë për sfidimin e dijes ekzistuese në ndërmarrësi (Best Paper Prize for ‘Challenging the conventional wisdom in entrepreneurship’) në një nga konferencat më prestigjioze në botë – RENT Entrepreneurship në Berlin.
Artikujt e botuar në revista shkencore ndërkombëtare:
- Williams, N., Plakoyiannaki, E., & Krasniqi, B. A. (2022). When Forced Migrants Go Home: The Journey of Returnee Entrepreneurs in the Post-conflict Economies of Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 0(0). .
- Krasniqi, B., Ahmetbasić, J., & Bartlett, W. (2022). Foreign Direct Investment and Backward Spillovers in the Western Balkans: The Context, Opportunities and Barriers to the Development of Regional Supply Chains. Southeastern Europe, 46(1), 1-22.
- Shiroka-Pula, J., Bartlett, W. & Krasniqi, B.A. Can the Government Make Us Happier? Institutional Quality and Subjective Well-Being Across Europe. Applied Research Quality Life (2022).
- Bağış, M., Kryeziu, L., Akbaba, Y., Ramadani, V., Karagüzel, E. S., & Krasniqi, B. A. (2022). The micro-foundations of a dynamic technological capability in the automotive industry. Technology in Society, 70, 102060.
- Gashi, A., Zhushi, G. and Krasniqi, B. (2022), “Exploring determinants of student satisfaction with synchronous e-learning: evidence during COVID-19”, International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. .
- Bağış, M., Kryeziu, L., Kurutkan, M.N., Krasniqi, B.A., Hernik, J., Karagüzel, E.S., Karaca, V. and Ateş, Ç. (2022), “Youth entrepreneurial intentions: a cross-cultural comparison”, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, . .
- Berisha, G., Krasniqi, B. and Lajçi, R. (2022), “Birth order revelations about managers”, Management Research Review, Vol. 45 No. 10, pp. 1249-1274.
- Kryeziu, L., Bağiş, M., Kurutkan, M. N., Krasniqi, B. A., & Haziri, A. (2022). COVID-19 impact and firm reactions towards crisis: Evidence from a transition economy. Vol. 18. No. 1. 169-196.
- Kryeziu, L., Coşkun, R. and Krasniqi, B. (2022), “Social networks and family firm internationalisation: cases from a transition economy”, Review of International Business and Strategy, Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 284-304.
- Coşkun, R., Kryeziu, L. and Krasniqi, B.A. (2022), “Institutions and competition: does internationalisation provide advantages for the family firms in a transition economy?”, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Vol. 11 No. 2/3, pp. 253-272.
- Qorraj, G., Krasniqi, B., & Jusufi, G. (2022). Academic freedom and higher education governance in the Western Balkans: The case of Kosovo. Issues in Educational Research, 32(3), 1092-1110.
- Williams, C., & Krasniqi, B. (2021). Beyond the formal/informal employment dualism: evaluating individual-and country-level variations in the commonality of quasi-formal employment. International Journal of Social Economics, 48(9) 1290-1308.
- Arënliu, A., Bërxulli, D., Perolli-Shehu, B., Krasniqi, B., Gola, A., & Hyseni, F. (2021). Anxiety and depression among Kosovar university students during the initial phase of outbreak and lockdown of COVID-19 pandemic. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 9(1), 239-250.
- Krasniqi, B., Kryeziu, L., Bagis, M., Kurutkan. M., Idrizi, S. (2021) Covid-19 and SMEs in Kosovo: assessing impact and policy preferences. Journal of Developmental Entreprenuership, 26(1).
- Aliu, F., Nuhiu, A., Krasniqi, B.A. and Jusufi, G. (2021), “Modeling the optimal diversification opportunities: the case of crypto portfolios and equity portfolios”, Studies in Economics and Finance, Vol. 38 No. 1, pp. 50-66.
- Berisha, G., Krasniqi B., Pula, J., and Kutllovci, E. (2021) Conflict handling styles as predictors of entrepreneurial intentions” Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 13(5)967-991.
- Mahmutaj, L. R., Rocheska, S., & Krasniqi, B. A. (2021). Complementary relationship between types of innovation in SMEs: the context of Kosovo. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 43(2), 25-286.
- Krasniqi, B. A., & Williams, C. C. (2020). Does informality help entrepreneurs achieve firm growth? Evidence from a post-conflict economy. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1), 1581-1599.
- Krasniqi, B. (2020). “Transformational entrepreneurship (Routledge Frontiers of Business Management).” Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 32 (3), 309-310.
- Aliu, F., Nuhiu, A., Krasniqi, B., & Aliu, F. (2020). Modeling the Optimal Portfolio: the Case of the Largest European Stock Exchanges. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 23(2), 41-51.
- Kotorri, M. & Krasniqi, B. (2020). Migration, Remittances, and Entrepreneurship: A Seemingly Unrelated Bivariate Probit Approach. Remittances Review. 5(1), 15-36.
- Mahmutaj, L. R., & Krasniqi, B. (2020). Innovation types and sales growth in small firms: evidence from Kosovo. The South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 15(1), 27-43
- Krasniqi, B. A., Berisha, G., & Pula, J. S. (2019). Does decision-making style predict managers’ entrepreneurial intentions?. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 9(1), 1-15.
- Bartlett, W., Krasniqi, B., & Ahmetbaši?, J. (2019). Attracting FDI to the Western Balkans: Special Economic Zones and Smart Specialisation Strategies. Croatian Economic Survey, 21(2), 5-35.
- Kadriu, A., Krasniqi, B. A., & Boari, C. (2019). The impact of institutions on SMEs’ innovation in transition economies. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 23(4), 399-424.
- Aliu, F., Krasniqi, B., Knápková, A., & Aliu, F. (2019). Interdependence and risk comparison of Slovak, Hungarian and Polish stock markets: Policy and managerial implications. Acta Oeconomica, 69(2), 273-287.
- Mahmutaj, L. R., Ramosaj, B., & Krasniqi, B. A. (2019). Exploring driving factors and challenges of innovation in service firms: evidence from Kosovo. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 11(3), 215-244.
- Reçica, F., Hashi, I., Jackson, I., & Krasniqi, B. A. (2019). Innovation and the export performance of firms in transition economies: The relevance of the business environment and the stage of transition. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 38(4), 476-506.
- Lajqi, S., Peci, F., & Krasniqi, B. A. (2019). Mapping business start-up ecosystem in Kosovo. Review of contemporary business, entrepreneurship and economic issues, XXXII, (2), 477-486.
- Kadriu, A., Krasniqi, B. A., & Pula-Shiroka, J. (2018). Innovative firms in transition economies: what do they have in common?. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 16(2), 182-198.
- Kotorri, M., & Krasniqi, B. (2018). Managerial characteristics and export performance in a transition economy. The South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 13(2), 32-48.
- Neziraj, E., Berisha-Shaqiri, A., Shiroka Pula, J., Kume, V., & Krasniqi, B. (2018). The relation between information technology and innovation process in software and non-software industries in Kosovo. Informatologia, 51(3-4), 149-158.
- Krasniqi, B., & Branch, D. (2018). Institutions and firm growth in a transitional and post-conflict economy of Kosovo. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies.
- Berisha, G., Pula, J. S., & Krasniqi, B. (2018). Convergent validity of two decision making style measures. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 4, 1-8.
- Krasniqi, B. A., & Williams, N. (2019). Migration and intention to return: entrepreneurial intentions of the diaspora in post-conflict economies. Post-Communist Economies, 31(4), 464-483.
- Krasniqi, B. (2018). Routledge Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 24(2), 574-575.
- Williams, C. C., & Krasniqi, B. (2018). Explaining Informal Sector Entrepreneurship in Kosovo: An Institutionalist Perspective. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 23(02), 1850011.
- Williams, N., & Krasniqi, B. A. (2018). Coming out of conflict: How migrant entrepreneurs utilise human and social capital. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 16(2), 301-323.
- Krasniqi, B., & Lajqi, S. (2018). Gibrat’s Law and Jovanovic’s Learning Theory: An Empirical Test for Small Firms in a Post conflict Economic Setting. Ekonomski pregled, 69(3), 251-268.
- Krasniqi, B. A., & Williams, C. C. (2017). Explaining Individual-and Country-Level Variations in Unregistered Employment Using a Multi-Level Model: Evidence from 35 Eurasian Countries, South East European Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 12, No 2, pp.72-83.
- William C. & Krasniqi, B., (2017). Evaluating the individual-and country-level variations in tax morale: evidence from 35 Eurasian countries, Journal of Economic Studies, 44(5), 816-832.
- Krasniqi, B. & Peci. F. (2017) Determinants of Technological Innovation: The Role of Anticompetitive Behaviour and Access to Finance), International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11(2), 309-316.
- Abdixhiku, L., Krasniqi, B., Pugh, G. and Hashi, I., (2017). Firm Level Determinants of Tax Evasion in Transition Economies. Economic Systems, Vol. 41, No 3, pp. 354-366.
- Krasniqi, B. & Dula. A. (2017) Evaluating Firms Innovation Decision and Innovation Intensity in EU-13: Differences between High-Tech and Low-Tech firms. International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3/4, pp. 194 – 230
- Lajqi, S. & Krasniqi, B. (2017), Entrepreneurial growth aspirations in challenging environment: the role of institutional quality, human and social capital, Strategic Change, Vol. 26. No. 4, pp. 385-401.
- Krasniqi, B. A., & Desai, S. (2017). Institutions and Export Performance in 26 Transition Economies. In Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies (pp. 57-73). Springer International Publishing.
- Krasniqi, B.A. and Desai, S., (2016). Institutional drivers of high-growth firms: country-level evidence from 26 transition economies. Small Business Economics, 47(4), pp.1075-1094.
- Krasniqi, B. A., & Mustafa, M. (2016). Small firm growth in a post-conflict environment: the role of human capital, institutional quality, and managerial capacities. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-43.
- Krasniqi, B. (2014), “Characteristics of self-employment: A refuge from unemployment or road to entrepreneurship?”, Small Enterprise Research, Vol. 21, No 1, pp. 33-53.
- Krasniqi, B. and Tullumi, M. (2013), “What Perceived Success Factors are Important for Small Business Owners In A Transition Economy?, International Journal of Business and Management Studies, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 21-32.
- Krasniqi, B. (2012), “Building an Expanded Small Firm Growth Model in a Transitional Economy: Evidence on Fast Growing Firms”, Journal of East West Business, Vol. 18, No 3, pp. 231-273.
- Hashi, I. and Krasniqi, B. (2011), Entrepreneurship and SME growth in Transition: Evidence from Advanced and Laggard Transition Economies, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 456 – 487.
- Krasniqi, B. and Mustafa, Isa (2011), “Financing Constraints and Small Firm Investment Behaviour”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 14, No. 2-3, pp. 151 – 175.
- Krasniqi, B. (2010), “Are small firms really credit constrained?: Empirical evidence from Kosova”, International Management and Entrepreneurship Journal, .Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 459-479.
- Krasniqi, A, B. (2009), “Personal, Household and Business Environmental Determinants of Entrepreneurship”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 16, No 1, pp. 146 – 166.
- Krasniqi, B. (2008), “Determinants of Innovation: Evidence from Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic”, International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship, Vol. 1, No 4, pp. 378 – 404.
- Krasniqi, B., Pula, J. and Kutllovci, E. (2008), Determinants of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Growth in Kosova, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 320-342.
- Hoxha, D. and Krasniqi, B. (2008), “Female Entrepreneurship in Kosova: Does Gender difference hypothesis Hold?, International Journal of Business and Management Research. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 49-65.
- Krasniqi, A. B. (2007), “Barriers to Entrepreneurship and SME Growth in Transition: Case of Kosova, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol. 12. No. 1, pp. 71-94.
- Krasniqi, A. B. (2006), “Size, Age and Firm Growth: Econometric Evidence from SME Sector in Kosova” International Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 57-68.
- Mustafa, I., Shiroka-Pula, J. & Krasniqi, B. (2023), Ekonomia ne hije: trajtim teorik dhe empirik, Akademia e Shkencave dhe e Arteve e Kosoves.
- Krasniqi, B (2012) Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development in Kosovo, New York, US: Nova Science Publishers, 2012, in English.
- Krasniqi, B. (2012) Vendimmarrja menaxheriale, Prishtinë: College for International Studies – Globus (Bashkëautor me J. Pula).
- Krasniqi, B (2006) Menaxhmenti dhe vendimmarrja (Bashkëautor me I. Kuka dhe J. Pula). Prishtinë: Universiteti i Prishtinës, 2006.
- Krasniqi, B. (2006) Biznesi i Vogel dhe i Mesem: Krijimi, Menaxhimi dhe Rrritja e Bizneseve (Bahskëautor me M. Mustafa, E. Kutllovci dhe P. Gashi), Prishtinë: Instituti Riinvest për Hulumtime Zhvillimore.
Kapituj në libra:
- Krasniqi, B.A., Zhushi, G., Bağış, M., Kryeziu, L., Dula, A. (2022). Horizontal Job-Education Mismatch in Kosovo: Is There a Gender Gap?. In: Bartlett, W., Uvalić, M. (eds) Towards Economic Inclusion in the Western Balkans. New Perspectives on South-East Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Conahan, K., Deichmann, J., Krasniqi, B. and Peci, F. (2020) FDI in Kosovo, in Deichmann, Joel I. (Ed.) Foreign Direct Investment in the Successor States of Yugoslavia: A Comparative Economic Geography 25 Years Later, Springer.
- Domi, A., & Krasniqi, B. (2019). Entrepreneurs’ Responses to an Economic Crisis: Evidence from a Transitional Economy. Societal Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness, Emerald Publishing Limited, 185-202.
- Mustafa, M., & Krasniqi, B. A. (2018). Entrepreneurship in Kosovo. In Entrepreneurship in Former Yugoslavia (pp. 51-65). Springer, Cham.
- Mahmutaj, L. R., & Krasniqi, B. (2019). Open Innovation in a Start-up Firm. In Gadaf Rexhepi, Robert D. Hisrich, Veland Ramadani (2018). Open Innovation and Entrepreneurship (pp. 109-126). Springer, Cham.
- Krasniqi, B. (2018). Manging labour shortage in a small growing firm: case study with teachers’ instructional material. In Mustafa. M. (ed.) From Theory to Practice, Riinvest Institute.
- Krasniqi, B. (2017) Institutions and export performance in transition economies: Considering firm age and size, in Chepurenko and Sauka (eds) Diverging Paths: Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States, Springer 2017 (with Desai. S.).
- Krasniqi, B. A. Investment reform agenda in Western Balkans: Taking Stock and Looking Forward.
- Krasniqi, B. (2017) Institutions and export performance in transition economies: Considering firm age and size, in Chepurenko and Sauka (eds) Diverging Paths: Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States, Springer 2017 (with Desai. S.).
- Krasniqi, B (2013) Entrepreneurship in Transitional and Challenging Environments, in Management, Governance, and Entrepreneurship – New Perspectives and Challenges, (eds.) Tipuri?, D and Dabi?, M., Darwen, Lancashire, UK: Access Press UK, 2012.
- Krasniqi, B (2010) Private Sector Development in Kosovo, in (Eds), Encyclopaedia of Kosovo, Prishtinë: Kosovo: Academy of Arts and Sciences of Kosovo, (co-authored with Gashi, P.), 2010.
- Krasniqi, B (2007) Entrepreneurship and SME growth in Transition: Evidence from Advanced and Laggard Transition Economies, in Labor Force and Employment: Patterns and Trends in “New Europe” Countries, Rzeszów, Poland: Polish Economists’ Society and The University of Information Technology and Management, 2007(with Iraj Hashi).
- Krasniqi, B (2006) Testing “Gibrat’s Law” for Small Firms: Empirical Evidence from Kosova”, in Managing the Development of SMEs, Edited by Cleopatra Veloutsou, in English, Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), 2006.
Punimet profesionale dhe konferencat shkecncore:
- Berisha, G. Lajci, Rr, Krasniqi B. (2022). Born to go far: a showcase of Kosovo born globals, Presented in the 7th ECFED International Workshop, Dubrovnik, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 12 – 13, 2022.
- Dula. A. & Krasniqi, B. (2022). Migration of skilled workers: Firm-level evidence from Kosovo. Presented in the 7th ECFED International Workshop, Dubrovnik, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 12 – 13, 2022.
- Qerimi, A., Aliu, M., & Krasniqi, B. (2022). Financial Life Cycle of Kosovo SMEs: Results of an Enterprise Survey. 7th International Scientific Conference – ERAZ 2021 – Selected Papers DOI:
- Krasniqi, B., & Ahmetbašic, J. and Bartlett, W. (2019). Barriers to cross-border trade in intermediate goods within regional value chains in the CEFTA region. London School of Economics (LSEE)-CEFTA Research Papers on International Trade Research Paper No. 1 November 2019.
- Lubishtani, E., Dimos. C., Hashi, I. and Krasniqi, B. (2019) a genuine relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth: a meta-regression analysis. Conference: International Conference on Management, Business and Economics, October 2019.
- Williams, N., Plakoyiannki, E. & Krasniqi, B. (2019). Returnee entrepreneurship to complex economies: the role of social networks. Conference Paper RENT XXXIII “Embracing uncertainty: entrepreneurship as a key capability for the 21st century”, November 2019, Berlin Germany. Received best paper award.
- Krasniqi, B. (2019). Female labour market participation and skills in Kosovo. Paper presented at 5th Conference of the LSEE Research Network on Social Cohesion in South East Europe, November 2019, University of Belgrade, Belgrade.
- Lajqi, S., Shiroka-Pula, J., & Krasniqi, B. A. (2019). Education and entrepreneurship career choice in Kosovo. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 26-34. 44th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – Split, 19-20 September 2019.
- Krasniqi, B. (2019). Towards new regional cluster cooperation models – How regional developers and policy makers can build new partnership in times of industrial transformation. The Future of Competitiveness – Transformation of Regions and Future Role of Clusters. Prague, Czech Republic 2019/5/29 Conference.
- Krasniqi, B. (2018) Creating University-Industry connections through student consulting project. Presented at Conference: Higher Education Reform Experts-HERE Workshop Ferizaj, 21 December 2018 University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj, Str. Universiteti, Ferizaj, Kosovo.
- Aliu, F., Jusufi, G., Krasniqi, B., & Tran, H. K. (2018). Financing policy of Czech automotive companies. In 14th Annual International Bata Conference for Ph. D. Students and Young Researchers (p. 62).
- Krasniqi, B. (2018) Entrepreneurial Universities for Industry Alliances – EUFORIA. Poster presented at Conference: HERE ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018, Capacity building for higher education reform: The impact of collaborative international projects Rome, Italy – 12-13, December 2018, University of Rome – Sapienza (UNIROMA).
- Krasniqi, B. (2018) Experiential Learning at the University of Prishtina – Lessons learned from Business Consulting Pilot Course in cooperation with Tuck Business School (USA), case study presented at international conference The role of Universities in Developing entrepreneurial skills, University of Montpellier – 19-20 April 2018, Montpellier, France. HERAS website funded by ERASMUS, (published case study at
- Krasniqi, B. (2017), High-Growth Aspiration Entrepreneurship: A Multi-Country Analysis Using Gem Data, International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Western Balkans: Approaches, Short-comings and Challenges, Skopje, Macedonia, October 28, 2017. (co-authored with Lubishtani, E., Hashi, I., and Jackson, I..
- Krasniqi, B. (2017), How Emotional Ties Influence the Investment Activities of Diaspora Entrepreneurs in Their Homeland”, 3rd International Conference on Migration and Diaspora Entrepreneurship, 30 November – 01 December 2017, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany (co-authored with Nick Williams).
- Krasniqi, B. (2017), High-Growth Aspiration Entrepreneurship: A Multi-Country Analysis Using Gem Data, International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Western Balkans: Approaches, Short-comings and Challenges, Skopje, Macedonia, October 28, 2017. (co-authored with Lubishtani, E., Hashi, I., and Jackson, I.)
- Krasniqi, B. (2017), Attracting FDI to the Western Balkans: is the path to EU integration turning into a “race to the bottom”?, International Conference on Applied Business and Economics 2017, at University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, September, 2017.
- Krasniqi, B. (2015), Determinants of Technological Innovation: The Role of Anticompetitive Behaviour and Access to Finance. Paper presented at the international conference entitled The Role of Business in Sustainable Development in the Western Balkans. The first Mitrovica Innovations Scientific International Conference – MISIC 2015, by the INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE MITROVICA (IBCM).
- Krasniqi, B (2015) Institutional Drivers of High-growth Firms: Country-level Evidence from 26 Transition Economies, Paper presented at Indiana University, School of Public Policy, Bloomington, USA. (Co-authored with Sameeksha Desai)
- Krasniqi, B. (2014), “Innovation and export performance: the relevance of business environment and stages of transition” (co-authored with Fisnik Reçica, Iraj Hashi and Ian Jackson), paper presented ISBE’s 37th Annual Conference. Manchester 5-6 November 2014)
- Krasniqi, B. (2012), The Challenge of Multidisciplinary Entrepreneurial Projects for Design Cooperatives, paper presented at 2nd International Scientific Conference on the Importance of Design – New Design – Reinvent the Meaning of Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13th November, 2012, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (co-authored with Berginic, J.).
- Krasniqi, B. (2012), Determinants of Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions in Kosovo: An Empirical Study, presented at Fifth International Conference of Globalisation, Public Policy & Management: An business development perspective, 29th of September 2012, Prishtinë, Kosovo, organized by College of International Management GLOBUS, Albanian Center for Risk and IESB (co-authored with Rexha, N. and Lajqi, S.)
- Krasniqi, B. (2012), Building an expanded Small Firm Growth Model in a Transitional Economy, paper presented at International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development 1 – 2 June 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by The Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Sofia University).
- Krasniqi, B. (2007), Determinants of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Growth in Kosova. (Paper prepared for 30th International Conference on International Entrepreneurship – simulating smarter successful small business worldwide), Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 7-9 November 2007, Glasgow, Scotland (co-authored with Pula, J. and Kutllovci, E.)
- Krasniqi, B. (2006), Determinants of Entrepreneurship in Transition: Case of Kosova, Paper prepared for the International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 31 Oct–3 Nov, 2006, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
- Krasniqi, (2005), Female Entrepreneurship: Differences and Obstacles, Paper presented at the International Conference “Illuminating Entrepreneurship”, Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 1-3 November, 2005, Blackpool, United Kingdom (Co-authored with Durim Hoxha).
- Testing “Gibrat’s Law” for Small Firms: Empirical Evidence from Kosova”, Paper presented at the International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Management – Marketing – Economic Aspects, August 28-31 and September 1st, 2005, Lefkada, Greece.
- Krasniqi, B (2005), Female Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management: Case of Kosova, Paper presented at the 3rd Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research, February 2005, Netherlands ( ) (co-authored with Hoxha, D.)
- Krasniqi, B. (2004) Financial Barriers to SME Growth: Empirical Evidence from Kosova, Paper prepared for the 3rd International Conference “International Business in Transition”, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Riga 9-11 September, 2004. Also published in International Business Economy, Research Paper Series, No. 7. Special Issue. International Business Economics, Center for International Studies and Aalborg University, Denmark.
- Krasniqi, B (2004), Barriers to SME growth in Kosova: An Empirical Study, the 2nd Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research, 2-4 February, 2004, University of Regensburg, Germany.
Prezantimet e ftuara:
- Key Note Speaker in 5th International Conference Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development – EIRD 2017 Smart Growth of the Local Community in the Global World June 29-30, 2017 in Ventspils, Latvia
- Key Note Speaker in the “1st International Conference towards Sustainable Development”, Mother Teresa University, held in Skopje on October 28th 2017.
- Emotions and diaspora investment Activity in Kosovo, D&D Business Support Centre and Minsitry of Diaspora, Prishtine, August, 2017 (co-authored with Williams, N.)
- Workshop: Institutional drivers of high quality entrepreneurship in transition economies, Stockholm School in Riga, 16/12/2016
- “National Innovation System in Kosovo”, presented at Innovation Dialogue Forum, Becici, Montenegro, 8/9. November 2010
- “Entrepreneurship and job creation in a re-emerging country”, Entrepreneurship Development Conference 2009, Do entrepreneurs need support?: the myths and merits of entrepreneurship education and business creation, presented at INHolland University, Rotterdam (28-30 October, Rotterdam, 2009)
- “The Impact of Firm’s Capabilities and External R&D Collaboration on Innovation Output: Evidence from Transition Economies, to be presented at United Nations University and World Institute for Development and Economic Research workshop Entrepreneurship, Technological Innovation, and Development, (30-31 October, Maastricht, Netherlands).
Projektet shkencore dhe profesionale:
Raporte kërkimore (titujt janë në origjinal)
- Public Employment Services (PES) effectiveness in the area of cooperation with the business community in Kosovo, Regional Cooperation Council, Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina, February 2022.
- Besnik Krasniqi, Iraj Hashi, Agon Dula (2022). Kosovo Skills Barometer 1.0, 2022/2. Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business/Aligning Education and Training with Labour Market Needs 2″ project Kosovo Skills Barometer 1.0.
- Analysis of the recycling value chain in Kosovo (2022). Kosovo Chamber of Commerce/GiZ/Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.
- Assessment of the ICT sector in Kosovo (2022). Luxembourg and LuxDev.
- Isa Mustafa, Justina Shiroka-Pula, Hivzi Islami, Anton Berishaj, Besnik Krasniqi, Lekë Pula, Muhamet Aliu (2021), Skills gap and SME development: an empirical analysis. Kosova Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Meier zu Köcker, Gerd; Sedlmayr, Benedikt; Schneider, Konstantin; Markwart, Inga; Pedrós; Enric; Dijan, Ana; Cosnita, Daniel; Krasniqi, Besnik (2021). Case Studies on Innovation and Clusters from around the World. Germany: VDI/VDE – Innovation + Technik GmbH.
- Assessment of impact of COVD-19 on local economy – Municipality of Rahovec, The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IESB), August 2020.
- Assessment of impact of COVD-19 on local economy – Municipality of Decan, The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IESB), July 2020.
- Impact assessment of COVID-19 on businesses in Kosovo – current challenges and future directions, Business Support Centre Kosovo, March- April 2020.
- Analzë e Ekonomisë Informale në Kosovë, Akademia e Shkencave dhe e Arteve e Kosovës, Janar – Dhjetor 2019.
- Quality in higher education and labour market: an analysis of economy and business study programs, BSCK, 2019.
- Labour Market and Skills Needs Analysis in Kosovo: Perspective for the future, Aligning Education and Training with Labour Market Needs – ALLED II, European Union and Austrian Development Agency. May-Sep 2019.
- Analyisis of the the Shadow Economy in Kosovo, funded by Academy fo Sciencies and Arts of Kosovo, Jan 2019-Dec 2019.
- Study on Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in the Western Balkans, European Union, DG Near, AETS. Brussels, Belgium.
- Local Economic Development of Municipality of Istog, 2017-2021, Sep-December 2016
- Local Economic Development of Municipality of Prishtina, 2013-2016, 2013
- Crop Production Cost, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IESB), research report, project The Promoting Private Sector Employment (PPSE), funded by SWISS Contact, 2015.
- Entrepreneurship and SME Development in Kosovo, research report, (2011, 2012, 2013 – on-going), project manager, Business Support Centre Kosovo.
- Independent feasibility study for the Regional Center of Entrepreneurial Learning for the Countries of South-Eastern Europe, Eurecna, Italy, and REA Prishtina. March-April, 2008.
- SME Policy Review Index for Kosova, (Local expert for reviewing SME Policy Index), Regional Enterprise Agency- REA with OECD, 2006.
- Kosovo Development Plan, (Facilitator of the Private Sector Development Group), 2006.
- Infusing Knowledge into South East European SMEs: Establishing a Platform for Developing Business Alliances, Supply Chains and SME – Research Community Interactions (Cross-country analysis of Kosova, Serbia and Montenegro and Macedonia), South-East European Research Centre, Athens and Riinvest, 2005.
- SME Development in Kosova (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006), Riinvest
- Local Economic Development in Kosova, Municipal Strategies for Economic Development, Riinvest, 2003, 2004.
- Export Promotion Policies in Kosova, Riinvest, 2003
- Education and Economic Development in Kosova, 2004, Riinvest.